Teeth Whitening from Dentists or Elsewhere?

  • Wednesday, October 5th, 2011
  • Blog

With many products on the market claiming to whiten your teeth it can be difficult to know who to trust and how much to pay.

Amazon, eBay and Google have recently announced that they are going to stop selling illegal tooth-whitening products.


They made this decision after a Which investigation found that around 10% of people who bought  whitening products had white spots or burns on their gums and lips. An equal number had brown marks on their teeth from damage to the enamel which is permanent.

European law has stated it is illegal to provide any product with more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide, or the chemicals which release this, unless you are prescribing it as a dentist. This is because dentists can assess the full health of your mouth and whether there may be any complications.

The colour of your teeth can alter for many different reasons- there may be internal staining, which can only be treated inside the tooth. Or there may be external staining which can be removed by a polisher and may not need peroxide..

Under the correct care and presciption however both in-surgery and home whitening can be fantastic. Only last week a patient phoned after receiving whitening just to say how pleased he was.

Here’s to more whitening happy endings, rather than horror stories. If you want to read more click here.

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