Nicol’s dental work experience

  • Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
  • Blog

Nicol Dourley came to No9 for a full working week- here’s his experience:

” I’m a pupil from Balerno High School and for my 4th year work experience I worked in Broxburn No9 Dental Practice. It was a lot of fun to work with Pete the dentist, Dilen the hygienist, Lisa and Sharon the nurses and Stephanie the receptionist. I saw and worked in all areas of the Dental practice. Handing tools to Pete and Dillon, sorting letters with Steph and helping Lisa and Sharon. Pete gave me lots of fun tasks like carving teeth out of blocks of soap and writing this blog. It has been an interesting and fun experience to learn about being a dentist. I am now considering a future career in dentistry. It has been an honour and a laugh working with everyone at the Practice and I would do it all again.”

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