Cheaper Dental Implants Abroad?

  • Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
  • Blog

A few months ago I attended a lecture where I was shown a photo of a woman who had gone abroad for dental implants and had come back with metal sticking out of her gums at very strange angles. Unfortunately this is not as uncommon as we would hope. I had a call from a local dentist the other day looking for some advice because a new patient had walked into his surgery in pain from two dental implants recently placed in Bulgaria.

Problems with implants are not easily fixed. Another round trip to Bulgaria doen’t seem appealing at this point, so access to aftercare has to be found at home. If things have gone wrong this can be difficult and very costly.

Most people say they choose to go abroad for cheaper work, but often hidden costs can mean the savings at times are almost non-existant.

This country does have dentists you can trust who are charging a reasonable price for the service they offer- find one you can trust and they will provide great after-care to ensure that any work done lasts and does not cause ongoing problems.

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