£100 toothbrush for £20 in our electric toothbrush trial

  • Saturday, October 9th, 2010
  • Blog

We have a limited supply of OralB Triumph 3000 electric toothbrushes to be used as part of a trial. These usually retail around £100 but we are looking for people who can trial them for only £20!

To take part you need to agree to a free hygiene assesment on receiving your brush and a second free assesment 3 months later. These would only take around 10 minutes. You also must be registered with the practice or register at the start of the trial by booking a full examination.

You would of course get to keep the toothbrush afterwards.

If you would like to join this trial please complete the sentence below:

“Clean teeth for me means…”

and reply through the comment button here or send your details through our contact page.

Those chosen will be notified on Wed 20th October.

Good luck.


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