Removing White Spots on Teeth

Natural teeth can have many shapes and colours. Many of these variations are beautiful, but some white patches or spots bother patients. Removing white spots on teeth is a treatment we are happy to provide. It is relatively quick and only involves the surface layers of your teeth.

Why do Teeth get White Spots?

We see lots of different reasons people develop white spots or patches on their teeth. For some it can be the fluoride levels they have been exposed to growing up. Others we see affected by illness or nutrition as the teeth are developing. Some patches are also caused by demineralisation of the teeth when hygiene is difficult. This we see sometimes with teenagers who have struggled to clean around fixed braces, which can be difficult. The area which has not been cleaned becomes more porous and whiter than the rest of the tooth.

Can I whiten the rest of my teeth to match the spots?

Whitening your teeth to match the whiter patches or spots sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately if you try to whiten your teeth the white patches become even brighter and stand out even more. So we don’t recommend whitening for this reason.

Can spots on teeth be removed?

The good news is yes! We have been removing white spots from teeth for a number of years with great success. We treat these with a technique of ‘microabrasion’ and then seal the tooth with a product called Icon. Because the patches are usually in the very top surface layers of your tooth the treatment is only very minimally invasive.

You can see how this works in this video.

You can will from this there is a way to remove white spots from teeth safely.

If you would like to know more please contact us.


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